Sunday 13 February 2011

Day 3

So I've actually managed to keep this up so far so managing to do the whole 30 days looks promising! Day 3 is my views on drugs and alcohol, I'm assuming this means illegal drugs as I'm a strong believer in the powers of nurofen plus and recommend it, however I'm not a fan of the illegal ones for many reasons. Working for the ambulance service I've seen what devastation they can cause- from overdoses to car crashes and if I'm honest people who do use drugs disgust me. A little harsh sounding I know and I know its up to everyone what they want to do with their lives but I think you only screw yourself over taking drugs and risk hurting others too.

Personally I don't drink alcohol, well only occasionally like Christmas or when we get snowed in! Mainly because I have a rubbish liver and alcohol makes me feel mega rough- even a little bit and I tend to fall asleep after about half a small glass of wine! Other people drinking doesn't bother me, infact I find drunk people rather amusing, if you puke on me though I won't be happy and if you decide to do something stupid like drink and drive or go fall off a roof then it's your own fault for being so stupid and you better hope you don't hurt anyone else in the process.

I'm going to add a little bit about smoking- I think it's a dirty habit and something I'd never do however I must admit that there's something about a guy who smokes which I find very attractive- no idea why!

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