Wednesday 16 February 2011

30 interesting facts about myself

I have a feeling not all of these will be that interesting

1. My middle name is Louise but I'm dying to change it to Ellen Lily Louise

2. I have overflexible thumb joints, my dentist diagnosed me with hyperflexibilty, not sure how or indeed why

3. I have a birth mark on my toe which I used to try and scrub off when I was younger

4. I love marmite

5. My biggest fears in life are aliens and escalators. I follow Nasa on twitter so I'll be aware of any impending invasion from alien species and when I was younger I fell down a set of escalators trapping my hair in the bottom.

6. I have an (slightly worrying) obsession with vintage dresses, I honestly can not stop buying them or looking at them

7. I collect rosaries

8. I sometimes write my words starting at the last letter, so backwards really. My history teacher told me this was a sign of genius... I think he was wrong

9. I have 406 facebook friends- of which about 400 I wouldn't trust

10. Sometimes I wish I was born in the 40's and was a teen in the 50's, that would have been awesome

11. I have a thing about etiquette. I have an old Victorian book from about 1885 which tells people how they should behave in all manner of situations and I use it as a social type bible.

12. I love people who text in the Queen's English.

13. I pretend not to have a set of lottery numbers but always end up picking 7, 11, 17, 26, 21, 32

14. I honestly believe that I was a magpie in a previous life, anything shiny I'm there! I can stand staring at tacky antique costume jewellery stands for hours.

15. I hate being stared at in public (even on days where I've dressed up) I find it rude and it makes me bervous, so much infact that some days I dress down on purpose.

16. I have a brilliant memory, if I say I've forgotten I'm lying

17. People who talk with their hands distract me and I find it hard to concentrate on what they're actually saying

18. I love Doctor Who

19. Further to number 18, I love David Tennant, so much that when I can't sleep or feel ill I listen to him read bedtime stories on CBBC

20. I dye my hair dark brown/ black myself, I'm naturally a mousey brown. Although I've always wanted to be ginger I just don't have the balls to do it.

21. I was 17 when I had my first kiss

22. I used to be in chess club and I was good at it

23. I wish I could fly a plane, a big old school, shiny silver one

24. I never used to be a girly girl until I broke up with my ex about 2 years ago

25. I'm a firm believer in not getting mad but getting even. It's so much more fun to watch someone struggle to understand why you're not mad.

26. I'm also a believer in revenge is a plate best served never. Revenge is too time consuming plus karma's a bitch.

27. I love the royal family

28. I'm lost without my Filofax- genuinely lost, even though I know all my shifts I get paranoid I've got them wrong

29. I have no problem with hating people- it's a strong word but totally acceptable.

30. I have central heterochromia going from gold to blue, I think it's pretty

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