Sunday 27 March 2011


I can honestly say I've never really looked in Warehouse and I'm glad I did, I spotted this amazing maxi dress on one of the store assistants and she looked AMAZING so I just had to try it (I did go back after she wasn't there) and I fell in love with it, the one I picked out didn't have a belt which is fine because I didn't like the belt anyway plus I got discount!

I'm also having, a somewhat odd, debate on skin tone/ colour- I don't know whether to go for tanned or pale white this summer, if its a tan it will be from a bottle otherwise if I just sunbathed I'd look like a lobster but pale is always more interesting although I may just look odd instead and ill.

Also I got my dresses back from the dressmaker and they are brilliant, they now fit perfectly.

I believe I'm up to 4 turnoffs and 3 turn ons in this little challenge thingy but I can write more than that so here it goes


- hairy/ hobbit toes- please shave them, please
- actually lots of hair in general I find off putting
- pretentious idiots- funnily enough not everything is about you
- lies
- rudeness
- lateness- I will never forget if you're late
- when you won't teach me how to play xbox
- man makeup!


- intelligence and good grammar
- mystery- although I love men to be mysterious it will eventually drive me insane
- nice eyes
- a cheeky smile, especially those slightly crooked ones
- a 'British' accent- odd thing to say as I am British but I mean either a London lad accent such as Ed Westwick or the slightly posh English accent
- guys who play the piano and/ or can sing

Thursday 24 March 2011

The Mount

Since I was little there's been 2 houses I've always adored and wanted to sneak in and explore, one is Perry Hill Farm House which I think I may have mentioned before, the other is The Mount (although sometimes it's called The Lodge as well). Well they been the sort of houses that I promised myself that if I ever won the lottery I'd go knock on their door and ask if they were selling, I found out a few months ago that Perry Hill farmhouse was for sale and to my absolute delight I found out that The Mount is also for sale now. Although I could never afford either (unless I do win the lottery) at least I can have a look in via the estate agents websites (I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let a 21 year have a viewing of a £800,000 house). Perry Hill Farmhouse didn;t live up to my expectations, The Mount on the other hand has gone way beyond my expectations, it's all victorian and adorable and I cannot say how much I love it and how I secretly hope they'll put the contents up for auction so I can own at least one tiny bit of this beautiful house. The photos are from the Rightmove website and all I can ask is that if someone reading this has enough money to buy it please let me tag along for the viewing pleeeease.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor died in her sleep last night aged 79, in her prime she was such a beauty and such a brilliant actress, rest in peace.

Monday 21 March 2011



And just when I was about to give up on them being able to produce beautiful things, I've been staring at these shoes for weeks.

£5 notes

They're putting more in cash machines- I can see myself having an epic collection of cripsy £5 notes!

And I give in, I;m back on facebook although it is boring!


The last few days have been rather sunny and I've been stuck at work, which was very annoying. Today however I managed to get up pretty early (about 8) and went to Gillingham so a mechanic could look at my cars petrol tank and he should be getting back to me soon with a price. I had a little wander down the high street (Gillingham is not the nicest place on earth) but I manged to find a cute little tailoring shop where I dropped in my Peggy Page and Edgar & Swan dresses and they should be taken in and almost ready to wear by Friday (they still need quite a good wash as they smell like they've been sitting in a smoking room).

I've been doing a mixture of things since I got back home, a little trawl of eBay and some cross stitching (I'm determined to finish those Emily Peacock Kiss and Hug cushions this year!). I'm also trying to think of a birthday present and mother's day present for my mum (her birthday is always just a week away from mother's day which is quite inconvenient). Tonight I'm hoping to read some more of New Moon, although so far I'm not as impressed with it as I was with Twilight, there's too much Jacob and frankly I don't like him, I like vampires not werewolves (even though we're not meant to know he's a werewolf yet) but a friend of mine has promised that the vampires come back- all I can say is they better do it fast before I lose interest!

I havent posted in ages so I'm just going to talk about random things, so changing the subject from eBay to vampires and back to eBay again here are some of my latest buys...

I haven't yet recieved the first 2 things but they are the most awesome things I think I've ever got from eBay. The first one is a 1953 Coronation brooch, I love The Queen if you didn't know already and I think this is brilliant, it folds out with lots of little pictures of the Coronation day. And from the same seller (Susannah's Vintage Jewellery) a pair of art deco clip on ladybird earrings, they're adorable. I don;t have pierced ears as for some reason they never healed up and I remember I was about 10 when I had them done and 6weeks after they'd been pierced I was out shopping and someone came over and told me there was blood pouring from the back of my ears, so funnily enough I don't think I want to try piercing them again!

And I also got this pretty little miniature, which I'm pretty sure is a fake but it was cheap and it's a pretty fake so I'm keeping it as I love it.

And also to try and finish this (very stretched out ) 10 day challenge here are 5 people who mean a lot to me (in no particular order)
- Sam
- my Dad
- Cathy aka Skarsgard
- my Nan
- and The Queen (mainly because she's awesome)

Thursday 17 March 2011

Six things you wish you’d never done

1. Taken physics at AS Level- what a ridiculous waste of time that was
2. Joined facebook
3. Given some people second chances
4. Wasted my money on silly things (I've done lots of this and I'm pretty sure I'll never stop)

I can't think of 6 to be honest, mainly because I think there's a reason why you do things and obviously without doing them (mistakes included) you wouldn't be where you are now and apart from my little rant, I like where I am.


I like the word peeved, I think it sounds great and describes how I feel right now as does the term bummed. I can't pinpoint what but it's just a collection of things. Firstly my favourite jeggings have a massive hole in them (a beyond repairing type), I had to take my brother to the hairdressers and sat in the car and waited for him as 'it only takes 15min' LIAR I was sat in a freezing car for about 40minutes. I have work tomorrow too for like the first time in 2 weeks or so, my liver hurts, I'm freezing cold and I have a horrible feeling I have a chest infection coming. AND my cars petrol tank it now leaking so I'll need to get that fixed after a weekend of work

Also the facebook situation, I'm missing it slightly but I think I'm missing it as a 'gap filler' and I can't look at photos of people I like ;-) but it's good in another way, I feel I've got a lot more random things done such as reading (I'm now on New Moon- couldn't resist) and doing stuff I've been meaning to in ages and in total I haven't used my computer as much- shows what a waste of the world's time facebook is!

But yeah, hopefully my next post will be happier but at the moment I'm quite peeved, cold and sleepy.

Wednesday 16 March 2011


I'm slightly ashamed to admit it, I love Twilight- the book anyway. I saw the film when it first came out and I don't know whether I just couldn't be bothered to watch it or I found Robert Pattinson's face too distracting but I honestly did not enjoy the film. Since then I've been very Anti- Twilight, to the point where I regarded it as 'a dirty word' but I saw the first book for 50p and thought why not give it another chance and I'm glad I did as I adore the book and am almost as crazily in love with Edward Cullen as I am Eric Northman (True Blood) so I'm thinking I should re-watch the film?!?! I'm not sure, I think I may take baby steps into the world if Twilight.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

7things that cross my mind often

1. Who reads this

2. Will the earth destroy the human race or will the human race destroy the earth first

3. What to eat for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner

4. I should exercise more

5. I wish everyone was nice

6. I wonder what I'll be doing in so many years time

7. And I sit and dream about my dream house/ life and how I'm going to get it

Friday 11 March 2011

8 Ways to Win my Heart

I'm secretly hoping that somehow , someday the man of my dreams will find this and carry out all 8...

1. Buy me (or make if you're feeling adventurous) awesome biscuits...

I also wouldn't turn down cupcakes (preferably red velvet ones) or pie!

2. Let's have lots of little dates where we do random things like go to the fair, lay in the road and pretend we're birds on the beach (just like The Notebook)

3. Write me cute little post it notes and hide them places to make me smile

4. Buy me white lillies and roses- I'd actually love you for this

5. Read me my favourite poem (the challenge here is finding that poem out)

6. Wrap this book up in boring old parcel paper as a surprise

7. Cook me dinner- I'm thinking roast or lasagna, I love pasta

8. One day just surprise me with a massive cuddle and kisses

Nine things about me

1. I have blue eyes with gold central heterochromia (since I found out it has a proper name I say it all the time)
2. I wear glasses as said eyes are not so good
3. I love Doctor Who
4. I drive a Fiat
5. I like cake (lots) my favourites being coffee cake and lemon drizzle
6. I think I was a magpie in my previous life as I love all things shiny
7. I'd be lost without my filofax
8. I have lots of moles... I stopped counting at 36
9. And my birthmark is on my toe, I used to think it was a patch of dirt that wouldn't come off

Wednesday 9 March 2011

10 day challenge

Ok so I've decided to do one of these again but for a start its shorter and I think it's better

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession

So here we go again!

Not all of these are serious heart felt messages (some are) but why should they be!

1. I miss you so much and I wish you were back home so we could eat pizza and watch random things on tv like Embarrassing Bodies! You are the sister I never had!

2. I actually think you're awesome and I'm a tiny bit jealous of you, but in the kindest way possible.

3. I think one day we should run away and get married, I've never felt so happy and care free around somebody else like I do with you.

4. (Using my word of the week) You're an actual PENIS and I can't believe that you can't see why.

5. My life is actually the best it's ever been without you. PENIS

6. You need to believe in yourself and what people say and think about you, you are amazing and beautiful and I'm glad I know you, I just wish you didn't live so far away!

7. I think that you don't ever think about me and I know that I'm probably right.

8. Please change your hair you look like an old lady, also you don;t know everything and never will so once in a while just stop talking and listen!

9. Get off of facebook and have a real conversation and realise life goes on without it!

10. WASH!

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Goodbye Facebook

08/03/2011 20:48 - facebook account deactivated

I've had enough of it, "friends" whinging about the sun because it's not really spring yet' and it's still cold outside, those who moan about being ill and that their life sucks (trust me there's worse things out there), knowing what everyone's having for dinner, the colour socks you're wearing... if I'm honest I don't actually care. It takes over people's life, my mum for example can't go a day without checking it- would rather be on facebook than spending time with the family or going out, its crazy.

I'll admit it's easy to become hooked, and like the rest of the world I have and it's sad that I've actually spent half a day deciding to deactivate some stupid page on some website. It's taken over the world so I'm deactivating for as long as I see fit, maybe I'll never go back, maybe I'll reactivate it and not go on it so often. Whats the worse that can happen? If people want to talk to me I have a phone, they can call or text or even send me a real life paper letter!

So that's it....

"Good Bye Facebook"

Monday 7 March 2011

I love this

I love this quote, I love how honest it is, cringe at how disgusting the human race is and how secretly it's every girls dream (well mine anyway) in its true nightmare like form.

"She is more body than soul, more soul than mind. To her belongs all that is beautiful, even the very word beauty itself. All that exists to beautify her. The sun shines only to burnish her skin an gild her hair; the wind blows only to whip up the colour in her cheeks; the sea strives to bather her; flowers die gladly so that her skin may luxuriate in their essence. She is the crown of creation, the masterpiece. The depths of sea are ransacked for pearl and coral to deck her; the bowels of the earth are laid open that she might wear gold, sapphires, diamonds and rubies. Baby seals are battered with staves, unborn lambs ripped from their mothers’ wombs, millions of moles, muskrats, squirrels, minks, ermines, foxes, beavers, chinchillas, ocelots, lynxes, and other small and lovely creatures die untimely deaths that she might have furs. Egrets, ostriches and peacocks, butterflies and beetles yield her their plumage. Men risk their lives hunting leopards for her coats, and crocodiles for her handbags and shoes. Millions of silkworms offer her their yellow labours; even the seamstress roll seams and whip lace by hand, so that she might be clad in the best that money can buy."

- Germaine Greer

Tuesday 1 March 2011

30 days

I'm giving up on that 30 day thing apart from maybe the five famous guys I find attractive....

They are all so beautiful!!!

I have been buying more dresses lately (poor old purse) these are my latest two and they're so lovely. The need taking in a little so I'll have to find a tailor or seamstress to do that as I'm not skilled enough or brave enough to even try!