Sunday 27 February 2011

I'm close to giving up

I couldn't care less about mainstream music or this at the moment, these 30 days are dragging.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Earliest Memory


One of my earliest memories was pretty scary, when I had a nightmare about Hanzel and Gretel and I was getting chased by a wolf and an evil witch through the woods and then I woke up stood on my bed, looked in the mirror to check for witches (as clearly that's what you do) then tried to scream and couldn't so I went back to sleep.

A happy early memory was when I tried to prove that heaven existed and how quick you got there. To prove this theory (I must have been about 5 or 6) I buried dead ants and ladybugs in the garden and made a little flag where they were buried and put little daisies on their 'grave' then dug them up every hour to see if they were still there, turns out they were there every hour but the next day they were gone. Therefore I came to the conclusion you can only go to heaven at night.

And as for the post about my favourite Tumblrs, like I don't do salad.... I don't do Tumblr either.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

13. Somewhere I'd like to move or visit

There are many places I'd like to visit

- New York- because it looks good and everyone else has been
- Paris- it looks romantic and pretty
- Las Vegas- because it looks mental
- The Rocky Mountains- stunning
- New Zealand- stunning
- The Maldives- even more stunning and think of the sunshine and beaches
- Venice- romantic looking and also I like that there's lots of water there and it always looks magical in photos
- Russia- life long obsession with the place
- Disneyland- I've been lots of times before but I'd love to go again, it's magic
- Spain- as I've never been

I'm not sure I'd want to move anywhere, I like the country and I like the seaside so maybe I'd like to live there.

Tuesday 22 February 2011


from The Conran Shop, I want these so bad, they're rather pricey, I'm tempted to make one

Bullet my day

I'm assuming that by bullet that it means bullet point

- woke up
- listened to my ipod
- had breakfast (coco pops) and a GIANT mug of tea
- had a shower, got dressed
- plucked my eyebrows
- did my makeup
- had a disagreement with my fringe
- read a pre learning pack for my training next week which I should have read a while ago
- answered half the questions in the back
- got bored and looked at eBay and Facebook
- sorted out my diary
- lunch- bacon sandwich
- fixed my mac book with PVA glue
- made my dress bodice
- went to my nans to ask about how to make the dress skirt
- had fishcakes and chips
- read magazines and ate chocolate
- had a shower
- bid for beautiful dresses on eBay
- didn't win the first 2 dresses
- won the 3rd
- watched snog, marry, avoid
- won the 4th dress, I've already nicknamed it the Watermelon dress
- watched more tv
- bed

Monday 21 February 2011

iPod on shuffle

ok I'm using my iPhone as it's practically an iPod and I haven't updated it in eternity so this should be interesting

- Closer, Kings of Leon
- Thunder, Boys like girls
- Rich Girl, Gwen Stefani
- The New Transmission, Lostprophets
- Happily Never After, Pussycat Dolls
- Valerie, Amy Winehouse
- Rose, The Feeling
- Lillian, +44
- What She Did, Hadouken!
- Vampire, Antsy Pants (from the Juno Soundtrack)

Sunday 20 February 2011

Another day

9 is a lot like 2 and if I'm honest I'm getting a little bored of this but hey ho, might as well stick it out. The near future I'd like to win the lottery, for it to be sunny and for my window to shut properly. Other than that for my future plans refer to 2.

My first love and my first kiss are two very seperate things. My first kiss was exactly as you expect- awkward, it was outside the cinema in the freezing cold on some bench, a memorable but for all the wrong reasons- looking back on it he wasn't even good looking- oh well.

My first love is now somewhat tainted with negativity, my first love cheated on me and therefore doesn't actually count for anything as far as I'm concerned, its just one giant lie. It was good at the time until it went wrong.

Friday 18 February 2011


These are a bit late, I was working and I forgot...

My zodiac sign is Cancer and yes it suits me perfectly. I'm emotional and loving, protective, cautious, moody and over emotional. This site sums it up. I think star signs are pretty accurate in general.

And day six, a moment when I felt most satisfied in life.... probably would have to be the moment I delivered a baby over the phone at work- it was an amazing moment knowing that youd helped an ickle little one into the world, at that very moment in time when I heard him start crying was probably the most satisfied I've felt.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

30 interesting facts about myself

I have a feeling not all of these will be that interesting

1. My middle name is Louise but I'm dying to change it to Ellen Lily Louise

2. I have overflexible thumb joints, my dentist diagnosed me with hyperflexibilty, not sure how or indeed why

3. I have a birth mark on my toe which I used to try and scrub off when I was younger

4. I love marmite

5. My biggest fears in life are aliens and escalators. I follow Nasa on twitter so I'll be aware of any impending invasion from alien species and when I was younger I fell down a set of escalators trapping my hair in the bottom.

6. I have an (slightly worrying) obsession with vintage dresses, I honestly can not stop buying them or looking at them

7. I collect rosaries

8. I sometimes write my words starting at the last letter, so backwards really. My history teacher told me this was a sign of genius... I think he was wrong

9. I have 406 facebook friends- of which about 400 I wouldn't trust

10. Sometimes I wish I was born in the 40's and was a teen in the 50's, that would have been awesome

11. I have a thing about etiquette. I have an old Victorian book from about 1885 which tells people how they should behave in all manner of situations and I use it as a social type bible.

12. I love people who text in the Queen's English.

13. I pretend not to have a set of lottery numbers but always end up picking 7, 11, 17, 26, 21, 32

14. I honestly believe that I was a magpie in a previous life, anything shiny I'm there! I can stand staring at tacky antique costume jewellery stands for hours.

15. I hate being stared at in public (even on days where I've dressed up) I find it rude and it makes me bervous, so much infact that some days I dress down on purpose.

16. I have a brilliant memory, if I say I've forgotten I'm lying

17. People who talk with their hands distract me and I find it hard to concentrate on what they're actually saying

18. I love Doctor Who

19. Further to number 18, I love David Tennant, so much that when I can't sleep or feel ill I listen to him read bedtime stories on CBBC

20. I dye my hair dark brown/ black myself, I'm naturally a mousey brown. Although I've always wanted to be ginger I just don't have the balls to do it.

21. I was 17 when I had my first kiss

22. I used to be in chess club and I was good at it

23. I wish I could fly a plane, a big old school, shiny silver one

24. I never used to be a girly girl until I broke up with my ex about 2 years ago

25. I'm a firm believer in not getting mad but getting even. It's so much more fun to watch someone struggle to understand why you're not mad.

26. I'm also a believer in revenge is a plate best served never. Revenge is too time consuming plus karma's a bitch.

27. I love the royal family

28. I'm lost without my Filofax- genuinely lost, even though I know all my shifts I get paranoid I've got them wrong

29. I have no problem with hating people- it's a strong word but totally acceptable.

30. I have central heterochromia going from gold to blue, I think it's pretty

Tuesday 15 February 2011

500 days of Summer

"This is a story of boy meets girl. The boy, Tom Hansen of Margate, New Jersey, grew up believing that he'd never truly be happy until the day he met the one. This belief stemmed from early exposure to sad British pop music and a total mis-reading of the movie 'The Graduate'. The girl, Summer Finn of Shinnecock, Michigan, did not share this belief. Since the disintegration of her parent's marriage she'd only love two things. The first was her long dark hair. The second was how easily she could cut it off and not feel a thing. Tom meets Summer on January 8th. He knows almost immediately she is who he has been searching for. This is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know upfront, this is not a love story."

I LOVE this film, I love it's honesty. I remember seeing it with my (now ex) boyfriend and I can honestly say after we walked out the cinema I knew our relationship was f****d (I honestly can't think of a better word for it) and he probably did too- it actually whacked me round the face. Somehow though that hasn't put me off the film, I love it, the way it's laid out and designed is genius, I love Tom, I love Summer, I think they're brilliantly real together. Also I love Zooey Deschanel, she's adorable and Summer's style in this film is fab and I want that skirt!

So that's how I spent my valentines day, cuddled under a blanket eating icecream covered in Nutella watching one of my favourite films.

Day 5

Well this is a bit of an odd question, I can honestly say I've never thought about ending my own life, I've had days when I'm down- sometimes very down but have never thought of that. I think it's too easy to sit here and call people who do selfish and stupid but they have their reasons and you never know what's going on inside someone else's head.

Monday 14 February 2011

4- views on religion

Ok, I did write this yesterday but I got distracted whilst watching 500 days of Summer, then I fell asleep! So here it is...

Well I did ethics and the philosophy of religion for A-level so I could probably write an essay on this but I'll try to keep it short- put simply my belief is God doesn't exist. My reasons behind this (of which there are many many many more than I will say here) are that there's too much evil in the world to justify him existing and I don't believe that 'we're all from the loins of Adam who sinned so we're born sinners", there's no proof he existed and probably by far the greatest reason for his non existence DINOSAURS (and evolution). The Bible is just a big story book used by leaders to scare people and make them behave.

However religion fascinates me and people who are religious fascinate me, when I was younger I went to Sunday school and at the age of about 11 I was pretty convinced to run away and become a nun, I do actually collect old stanhope rosaries because they're beautiful and there's a lot of love and faith in them that they've collected over the years. I find churches amazing and one of the things in my life that impacted me the most was te trip to Ta Pinu Church in Gozo, there was room upon room of devotion letters and thank yous for 'miracles' that people had been blessed with and opposite the magnificant chruch was a path leading up a mountain which I believe is called ‘The Way of the Cross' and on the way there were massive white statues depicting the life of Christ with small shrines. I think if you have the faith and guts to be religious and put your life in the hands of someone that you can't see or even prove exisits then you're braver than me and I think religion is beautiful in its own way, sometimes I wish I was religious but I struggle with the concept.

Sunday 13 February 2011


I've become obsessed with finding a beautiful Alfred Shaheen dress so far there's one I absolutely love on Etsy all the other ones I like already have homes =(

I seriously debating whether to overtime to afford it!

Day 3

So I've actually managed to keep this up so far so managing to do the whole 30 days looks promising! Day 3 is my views on drugs and alcohol, I'm assuming this means illegal drugs as I'm a strong believer in the powers of nurofen plus and recommend it, however I'm not a fan of the illegal ones for many reasons. Working for the ambulance service I've seen what devastation they can cause- from overdoses to car crashes and if I'm honest people who do use drugs disgust me. A little harsh sounding I know and I know its up to everyone what they want to do with their lives but I think you only screw yourself over taking drugs and risk hurting others too.

Personally I don't drink alcohol, well only occasionally like Christmas or when we get snowed in! Mainly because I have a rubbish liver and alcohol makes me feel mega rough- even a little bit and I tend to fall asleep after about half a small glass of wine! Other people drinking doesn't bother me, infact I find drunk people rather amusing, if you puke on me though I won't be happy and if you decide to do something stupid like drink and drive or go fall off a roof then it's your own fault for being so stupid and you better hope you don't hurt anyone else in the process.

I'm going to add a little bit about smoking- I think it's a dirty habit and something I'd never do however I must admit that there's something about a guy who smokes which I find very attractive- no idea why!

Friday 11 February 2011

Day 02- where I'd like to be in 10 years

In 10 years I would be 31 (AHHHHHH!)

I'd like to married to someone amazing

own a cute little house/cottage

and have an awesome kid (but mine will wear shoes)

have a ridiculously cute pet cat

Also I'd like to be wrinkle free and a lady of leisure

I would't say no to a beach house

By then I would have learnt how to sew properly

how to bake the best cakes in the world

and would be fluent in Russian

If I have to still be at work it will be at a museum

and I'll have a crazy butterfly collection

and I will be the happiest girl in the world

Here's an idea

1. I have no current relationship therefore making me single and at the moment I do love it, I like not having to answer to anyone or to worry what they'd think of things or the way I dress, then again at times I miss not being with someone. I'd like to find someone who I wouldn't have to answer to or worry what they thought of things because they loved me no matter what. In the meantime however I'm not miserable I'm single, plus it means I can shameless flirt and I can keep searching for the right man.

My friend gave me a great comparison tool where guys are involved...

"Would you rather go on a date with him OR eat your way through as many Angel Food bakery (the amazing bakery we found in Brigthon) cupcakes without putting an ounce of weight on?"

and if I'm totally honest it's put a lot of things in perspective, I've also realised I like cupcakes much more than I thought!


If you're a bird I'm a bird

If I'm honest I've been lazy with my blog lately, I feel I've run out of things to say, which I'm sure isn't true. I've had a few days off work and haven;t exactly done much, I brought a blu-ray player and HD TV, new glasses, an underskirt/ petticoat thingy and that's about it really! I'm still making my dress, the collars a bit puckered which means that really I need to unpick it and stitch it again...grrr but I have found bias binding today in a little sewing shop in Gravesend which is a plus I guess.

It deal actually feel like spring earlier in the week (and I wore my first dress of the year!) but now it's all drizzly and miserable now just in time for my weekend night shifts! I'm not looking forward to work, it's made me pretty miserable the last few weeks and I'm really not enjoying my new role and I'm not sure if I want to do it anymore, I don't see the point sticking with something I hate but I guess we'll see what happens.

Also Valentine's Day is looming, joy o joy. I was going to send a valentines card and then decided not to as I want people to send me cards not me send them to others! I plan to spend valentine's in bed (recovering from my 3 night shifts) I might go for lunch and I'll probably watch The Notebook and Pride and Prejudice. The Notebook is just brilliant- it makes me cry every time but it's so beautiful and as for Pride and Prejudice you can't go wrong with Mr Darcy.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Kenley Collins

I've been watching re runs of Project Runways 5th season and I've fallen head of heels in love with Kenley Collins' designs. I love how she wears vintage with a twist and gets that over in her designs- they are a true reflection of her and as for the wedding dress she created, it's actually amazing.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Dresses part I

working l-r
1. Vintage polka dot yellow dress
2. Vintage blue rose dress
3. Vintage purple rose dress (my latest buy)
4. Vintage yellow summer dress (I imported this one from California)
5. Vintage greeny yellow knit dress (from Chicago)
6. Primark polka dot dress (I LOVE this shape dress, it also has a little belt)
7. New look vintage style dress
8. Hollister dress (this is why I can't wait for summer)
9. the Primark dress again, this is the one Skins made famous and almost impossible to get hold of
10. another one of the Primark ones this time in giant digital houndstooth

Tuesday 1 February 2011


who cares what anything else is made of!

43 dresses and a 44th in progress

I had a quick little count of my dresses the other day and I believe I have 43, I may do a little photo post of them all if I get time to get round to it! And there's one more little dress on the way, a white tennis dress, thing is I'm making it so it may be a long long while until its wearable!

I went to Brighton yesterday with a couple of friends and it was a brilliant day out, we ate cupcakes and ice cream and there was even some sunshine which we took full advantage of by lazing in deckchairs on the pier. It was a great day out and all I brought was duck dumpling soup to take home for todays lunch, which was amazing although a little too beansprouty.

So at the moment I'm trying to figure out how interfacing works- this dress pattern is a little confusing and having failed textiles at school it probably wasn't my greatest idea but we'll see how it goes.