Friday 31 December 2010


As it's new years eve I guess I should do a little end of year/ start of new year post...

2010 was nothing special looking back, nothing out of the ordinary but still a good year. It started with a baptism of fire working new years eve night (I hope never to again), it was the first year the Easter bunny didn't visit me, I went to some awesome antique/ vintage shops and visited Camden for the first time (I've been missing out there), discovered fish spas and even enjoyed a somewhat short but very hot summer, visited the dinosaurs at the museum and even had tea at Harrods and lots of snow. I also became Cliffe Woods community responder. On the bad side of 2010- I worked nearly 2000 hours- that sucks, I discovered some peoples true colours and not all of them were that pretty and I'm not partying tonight as I'm back at work tomorrow morning.

If I'm honest I don't remember setting any new years resolutions and if I did I clearly didn't stick to them as I can even remember them! But this year I'd like to.....

1) do more exercise- I did start pilates this year but got side tracked so I will start again, I've already got a yoga mat

2) eat healthier- I always say this in hope I'll do it

3) go vintage- I've been thinking about it for a while and have decided screw what everyone else thinks I like it so I'll wear it

4) try tightlacing- this links to 3 (and a bit into 1 and 2) but I'd like a tinier waist (not permanently) but so I can fit into tiny weeney vintage dresses

5) be happy and care free- obviously to totally do this is somewhat impossible unless I win the lottery (fingers crossed) but I'd like to be a lot happier with myself and things I do and want to do and not care what other people think or try to say about it or other things for that matter

6) finish those 2 damn cross stitches that I started last January

7) read lots more- I haven't done too bad this year but still not good enough

I think that's about it and take every day as it comes, maybe quit facebook but we'll see. And as for tonight I plan to have a long hot candlelit bath then I'm off to bed- Happy New Year everyone!!! xxx

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